YOUR contribution HELPS

With every single donation, both large and small, it will allow the association to keep fighting to improve the quality of life of people living with this rare disease. With your help we can connect people and provide information & support to the affected families and improve the healthcare knowledge. 

Contribute with any ammount you'd like

By conributing you gift your support in the ongoing research, which in return help the patients

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Bank account details at Jyske Bank Denmark

IBAN number: DK1873600001573055


Scandinavia's only patient association for GSD

Scandinavian Association for Glycogen Storage Disease is Scandinavia’s only patient association for GSD. We help patients with GSD with questions about GSD and the opportunity to get in touch with specialists in GSD treatment and research. we fight hard for patients to live a more lively and active life with a pinch less complications.

Become a member

Scandinavian GSD patients and families can become an active member of the SAGSD. This entitles them to be able to vote at the general assembly and to receive updated information from the association. The annual fee is 100 DKK for a person with GSD, 100 DKK per parent, and 50 DKK for a sibling. Example: for a family of four the price is 350 DKK.

Active Membership

The family membership includes all member of the affected family.

Scandinavian GSD patients and families can become an active member of the SAGSD. This entitles them to be able to vote at the general assembly and to receive updated information from the association. The annual fee is 100 danish crowns for a individual with GSD, 100 Danish crowns per parent, and 50 Danish crowns for a sibling. 

An example for total cost in the scenario of a family of four the price would be 350 dkk a year.

Become a support member

The support membership includes you as a individual and is considered as a donation.

The passive membership is for those kind individuals that wish to do what they can to help and support both the affected patients and families. The payment is made monthly and and can be of any ammount of your choice however with a minimum of 50 Danish crowns. 

An example for total cost per year in the scenario of 12 months of payments at the minimum fee of 50 Danish crowns a month you annual cost would be 600 dkk.